Main Features

WeatherSafe Coffee Professional Edition provides up to date data for field-level monitoring, yield forecasting, crop insights and decision support for daily and seasonal production decisions via the following features:

Interactive Map Discovery

The Interactive Map Discovery in WSC GE is the most direct visual way to see into the supply chain and to monitor the factors that impact crops’ quality, yields and price. The targeted customers will be able to:

  • Monitors pests and diseases utilizing satellite technologies and micro-localised weather forecasts
  • Analyses the details of each specific environmental event and quickly understand the consequences;
  • Tracks and analyse climate and weather, both historically and in real time, and to understand impact on yields;
  • Monitors and visualize each stage of the coffee production, from the farming side throughout the processing;
  • Analyses pests and diseases in combination with climate trends, in order to plan resource management;
  • Provides bespoke weather forecast and early warnings at national level as well as at sector level


Charting in WeatherSafe Coffee GE is a visual and easy tool to visualise data and spot trends, threats and opportunities for better production management. By providing interactive charts functionalities the targeted customers get straight into the data, see clearly into the fundamentals:

  • Visualizes different periods on the same axis and locate the strengths and weaknesses that affect prices, comparing yield curves, production and climate in correlation with price volatility
  • Provides easy recognition of short-term and long-term trends and projections of the crops’ output level, quality and yields
  • Delivers micro-localised targeted advice to farmers that gives the Rwandan coffee industry the edge in assessing risk, coordinating, planning and mitigating climate and environmental risks
  • Field-specific yield projections that are updated daily with detailed granular data and insights into the outcome of each field
  • Accurate, current field-level conditions and forecasts to help better plan planting, tillage, spraying and harvest to save valuable time and resources
  • Automated tracking and forecasts of field-specific crop growth stages to help stay on top of farming operations and make timely decisions that can improve yields

Early warnings and alerts: automated messages and recommendations on extreme weather events and coffee pests and diseases risk, outbreaks and contamination.

Reports and Forecasts: at key stages of the harvesting year deliver of accurate reports and forecasts that highlight major trends, issues, changes overtime, effects of policies implemented, recommendations and projections on policies indications


Governments and Agriculture Departments:

  • Increase international coffee market share by securing coffee traceability and improving coffee quality
  • Manage more easily resources of the ground, efficiency and efficacy of agriculture extension services
  • Improve communication with coffee players stakeholders
  • Improve response time and effectiveness of coffee pests and diseases remedies
  • Formulate and implement more tailored national policies for agriculture, pro-actively managing risks and opportunities


  • Improve livelihood of farmers’ community by strengthening their financial income and reduce farming processing time and costs;
  • Improve access to credit for farmers and coffee cooperatives by providing stronger collateral backed by WeatherSafe enabled stewardship
  • Improve coffee management practices with micro-localised early warnings and recommendations
  • Manage more easily resources of the ground, efficiency and efficacy of agriculture extension services

About the software

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